More Media

The ITV interview was over so quickly and perhaps sometime I’ll write more about this experience.

Now I’m off to bed as we are up again at 4am to prepare and travel to another interview on the Sky News Sunrise programme tomorrow morning.

I’ll update the Events page with details of this and any other interviews we complete for the remainder of the week.

Thanks to all of you who wished us well and offered your prayers for our experience today.

We had a great time!




26 thoughts on “More Media

  1. Mike

    Mary, I thought it went great! Interesting to see the comments from people. Still heaps of judgment, but it looks like you’re both in a great state. I look forward to hearing your thoughts when you have more time. All the best, as always and safe travels!

    1. Lizzi

      I too thought it went great but you weren’t on long enough! Hopefully there will be other media outlets who will interview you for longer in the future.
      Happy travelling. Love Lizzi

    2. Robin Grisham

      I thought you and Jesus were so authentically yourselves, as always, and the interviewers seemed truly interested in talking with you both! I feel anyone watching with an open mind and a thirst for God would want to learn more about you and check out if you can teach them more about God. Very touching and exciting to watch.

  2. Katerina P.

    I am just so excited. I can’t describe this feeling. !!! I have heaps of 1st century folks with me i gather!!!

  3. Jenni Heibloem

    You both amaze me, how you seem to breeze through even some loopy questions, it was so gratifying how well this went for you both, I send my love…jenn

  4. Kate

    I’m finding it quite amazing to observe the law of attraction changes as you are working through your fears and emotion as you shared with us Mary. First thing I noticed was the wonderful colour patterns in what you were both wearing and the backdrop of the set – love it haha!

    Here’s a link to the interview for those outside the UK who may have trouble viewing it on the ITV website:

    Best wishes!

  5. Johan van den Berg

    Hi Mary,
    I found a youtube link here:

    I thought it went really well, congratulations!

  6. peterc

    I have become aware of your work only recently after stumbling upon some hatchet job by channel 7 or 9 in Australia posted on YouTube. it prompted me to start watching the videos on the Divine Truth channel. So far, although there is much I remain unsure about, the message presented resonates strongly with me both for its emphasis on love, truth and humility as well as for its logical coherence.

    You both did a great job in this latest interview and the interviewers seemed refreshingly respectful. Even though brief, the interview will increase awareness of your message and offers people the opportunity to check it out for themselves. As you are clearly aware, many will scoff or dismiss without investigating further, but some will not.

    1. ed

      These teachings are a disappointment in a way because I have heard them all before. Ineed something with real truth. I will stick with the Holy Bible!

  7. Rain

    Great job of trying to get God’s Truth out in a few sound bytes. I love you both, Jesus and Mary. You both shine.

  8. benjackson

    You guys were awesome on this! What an amazing LoA for you both to have such a lovely interviewer. Exciting!

  9. Sandina

    Great job you guys! 🙂 I’m amazed to see how your media attention has become more loving. It’s giving me some hope about humanity again. Congrats!

  10. elvira

    (Thank you Kate for the youtube link.) You both just keep plugging away come rain come shine to spread the message of God’s love; the media seem to be more genuinely interested and respectful (Mary you must have dealt with a lot of your fears around the media). Wonderful to watch. Love to you both Elvira

  11. Mena

    Oh my goodness, watching you to brought such a big smile to my face! I was so happy to see how respectful the interviewers were and how comfortable you two were! Mary you looked radiant! You looked good too Aj! haha

    I feel both excitement and fear, but mostly excited that more people are going to be curious about divine love and in turn be open to God’s love. I can only imagine God’s excitement!

    Beautiful interview, I can’t wait to read about your experience.

    Much Love


  12. amenaassaily

    You two looked beautiful! I am so happy to see how respectful the interviewers were and I can feel how beautiful this opportunity was. I feel both excitement and fear but mostly excitement about how more people will be reached, that soon they will be able to let God’s love in and also give God love as well. You are an inspiration, a true image of what truth can bring and it brings me hope. Thank you for your service ❤

    I can't wait to see what else is in store!

    Much love,


  13. rainbowpilgrim

    Aloha Mary…

    I feel so much love for you and Jesus, for the simple grace in your ‘presence under fire’, and the humility, patience, love, and sense of humor that permeates that presence. In regards to the LBC 97.3 radio show, there were times when the questions or statements of the interviewer, or those calling in, were filled with assumption or projection, and yet you remained beautifully grounded in the truth of your identities, and the purpose for your presence with us once again. It does feel that there may indeed be quite a number of people, whether either interview was viewed live or in replay, who are able to feel that presence, and will investigate further on their own.

    Rainbow Hugs in love,
    Your sister – Carol Marie

  14. Yvonne

    I am so grateful for everything you do.. you are so beautiful.. thank you thank you thank you.. much Love !


  15. Mario

    Thanks dear Mary!
    Reading this post again and apreciating your description of the “steps”.
    Thanks God for give us our daily steps!
    Love you both.
    Mario in Sweden

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