April, May & June: Love from Mary & Jesus

Our Thanks

Jesus and I would like to thank all of you who take the time to donate to us. We know that what you give offers us the opportunity to live in a unique way that we truly believe in. We have an incredible life that we don’t take that for granted. Both Jesus and I are very grateful.

Your donations offer us the freedom to create material that we believe has the potential, if enough people embrace it, to fundamentally change the way that the world operates, to end suffering and to bring beauty and restoration to people and the planet. With your donations we do a lot to ensure that as many people as possible can hear this message now and for a long time in the future, regardless of what may happen to us.

Your donations give us the chance to help people (both here on earth and in the spirit world) free of charge. We see each of you as a part of offering that gift to others, since without your assistance we couldn’t do what we do to the amount and degree that we currently are able.

We extend special thanks this update to those of you who have donated to us personally these past three months. A number of people also made additional donations to cover our unexpected expenses from the first Assistance Group and we really appreciate that.


What We’ve Been Up To

Since our last update we’ve held both sessions of our “Developing My Loving Self” Assistance Group. This group is the second in our eight part series “An Education in Love”.

I’ll share more about that specific group and about some changes for the Assistance Group series scheduling below. Jesus’ time in this first half of the year has been almost entirely dominated by preparation, presentation and editing for the first two groups in our series. As I write he is working still working on essential tasks for the editing of the “Developing My Loving Self” videos, outlines and transcripts.

After he has finished the edits for group two, he will commence preparation of material for our third group in the series “Understanding God’s Loving Laws”.

This year Jesus has also been mentoring a small group of people interested in starting Learning Centres, schools, and other projects demonstrating God’s Way of Love, along with a number of others who are beginning to present Divine Truth material in various independent formats themselves. These meetings are excellent and I think that everyone involved finds the assistance he provides very beneficial.

Before and during last group some of our video cameras failed, and due to the number of problems we now had with cameras this meant that on returning home Jesus had to spent a fair amount of time researching what replacement alternatives we have that meet our needs for the next 5 years and fall within our price range. Since it has been some years since we purchased our current cameras certain camera models and their specifications have changed meaning that we are not able to replace single cameras to solve the problem.

We like our entire set up of 6 cameras to be interchangeable so that if something goes wrong with one during a presentation we can quickly change it for another less used camera. Having standard equipment also means that people trained in operating the cameras can more easily switch positions within the room, and it simplifies colour and white balance matching in the final video product. So, all this means that we have had to purchase 6 new cameras and we will donate our old ones to various people to document their own projects related to God’s Way. Jesus has spent a lot of time in the past few weeks researching, trouble shooting and purchasing our new alternatives. We also had to update some recording equipment with the cameras. Altogether we spent $16,000 on cameras and ancillary hardware .

All of this activity in the first half of the year and the ongoing maintenance and replacement of technical products that the Assistance Groups have necessitated has meant that Jesus has had almost no quality time to focus on his personal progression for at least 6 months. We are really hoping to remedy that in the latter half of this year and during next year as well.

In contrast I have spent most of this year focusing on my progress which has been an immense gift. A number of people have asked me about what I am going through at this time but I don’t feel that it is time to share about it yet. That time will come but for now I want to focus on making changes (not talking about them).

I did help out with presentation of our second “Developing My Loving Self” group. This was mainly because Jesus felt he could do with a hand since some emotions had come up for him during his short break between groups that he hadn’t had time to deal with. As a result he needed to look after himself even more in terms of getting a little more rest and quiet time, so I presented the ‘Summary’ and ‘Homework’ sessions throughout the nine days.

While both Jesus and I don’t feel that it is right for me to teach material I haven’t properly dealt with myself yet (this is the reason I haven’t been presenting at the groups so far) having the opportunity to present these summary and homework sessions was an incredible opportunity. I honestly felt like doing those presentations allowed God to take out a bright yellow highlighter pen and underline to me so much truth about myself, about my attractions and about God’s Way.

I am still working through all of the amazing things that were exposed to me in a heightened way during the group. Of course God has always been attempting to ‘highlight’ these things to me, it was only that I wanted to notice these things on a more emotional level this time that I found the experience to be so beneficial.

Thank you to those of you who have sent me kind emails and questions over the past few months. Because of my focus on my own emotional work I have only been checking my emails periodically and I haven’t had the time to respond to personal emails at all. I do hope that over the coming months I may find a little more time for this and to share a few responses to your emails as blog posts as well. This all depends on how I am progressing myself. I don’t want sacrifice important time for personal work for other things at the moment.


Assistance Groups

Developing My Loving Self

“Developing My Loving Self” was attended by 119 people collectively in two groups.

Jesus enjoyed presenting the new material for both of these groups. I loved the opportunity to be there and to summarize and reflect with the audience via the homework and revision.

Jesus and the recording/editing team put a lot of effort into improving the quality of the production at each group that we hold. I think that those viewing this group and each subsequent group will notice how the aesthetic elements improve. Jesus also does a lot to ensure the material he covers in every group is succinct, relevant and useful to others.

During “Developing My Loving Self” we implemented some changes regarding participant questions that are aiming to improve production quality, make it easier and less time-consuming for our technical team, ensure the time during the groups is used to cover relevant material, and to assist participants to become more responsible for their emotions and learning. We will uphold these changes in our subsequent groups. They included; asking participants to stand while asking questions, asking participants to prepare questions based on their reading of outlines prior to the Q&A sessions, challenging participants on addictive motivations within their questions and asking participants to ask simple questions rather than relaying long personal stories and opinions in the guise of questions.

Some participants really did a wonderful job at observing our new changes and this not only benefited them but will benefit many people who watch the material in the future. Thank you to those participants who made good use of the outlines to reflect on questions and those whose questions were thoughtful and sincere.

There were also some great personal and group feedback sessions during “Developing My Loving Self” that I know will benefit many people for a long time to come. So thank you to those who were brave and genuine in their questions and participation in personal feedback.


Our Helpers & Plans for Training New Team Members

We also want to thank our dedicated helpers who performed some essential jobs throughout the groups.

Lena & Igor – who are present for the preparation and packing of equipment, the venue set-up, filming and tagging during pre.sentations, coping data throughout the group and and working with Jesus in post group video and sound editing and chapter creation.

Cornelius – for being our lead audience camera operator and for training two new camera operators this past group.

Eloisa – for being in charge of name tags and guest lists in my absence, Eloisa also drew the ‘My Unloving Self” diagram up on our whiteboard and she trained to be a back-up camera operator.

Bruce & Kelly – for helping out with transporting extra equipment and gear. This group Kelly also trained to be a back-up camera operator.

We have plans to expand the knowledge base in our team of helpers and so during our next group and in the coming year we will be training a number of people in camera operation, video editing and other technical tasks essential to the creation of Divine Truth material.

If you have an interest in assisting us as a volunteer in this way there are a number of prerequisites you would need to meet:

  • You live nearby to us or desire to spend an extended period with us in training.
  • After training are able to be present at seminars, groups or in our studio when technical tasks are essential.
  • You are happy and willing to spend an extended period in independent learning about the specific programs and equipment we use to create Divine Truth material.
  • You desire to serve and are willing to receive personal feedback about any way that you are not serving, are in addiction, or are unloving towards yourself or other team members


Important Changes to Assistance Group Scheduling

By now, if you have attended both of the first two groups in this series, you will have begun to notice that each group we present will be jam packed with very valuable learning material. Hopefully you can see the opportunities this presents for you to engage and experiment with these truths and lessons. But to do this will take a determined desire and time on your part.

Because we want to give everyone the opportunity to do some personal work on the content of the first three groups before presenting more material we have made some changes to how we will proceed with presenting the full series of groups.

We have now spread the entire programme out over 6 years. After each year that we hold groups we will have a year without public groups and instead spend that time recording question & answer sessions relating to the content covered in the previous year in our home studio. So for example in 2017 we will no longer be holding the groups previously scheduled but will create a number of question & answer clips that cover questions arising from groups one, two and three held in 2016.

This will mean that the entire “Education in Love” group series will span 6 years but hopefully will allow sincere people maximum potential for learning and practically engaging the material. You will find that without engaging and experimenting with the material in the previous groups your understanding and engagement with further groups will become more and more limited, and your understanding of what Jesus hopes to present in the future will also be severely limited.

An overview of the new programme is as follows:

2016 – Presentation of Groups 1, 2 & 3 in the “Education in Love Series”.

2017 – Jesus and I record material in home studio including Q&A sessions on all of the material  presented in Groups 1, 2 & 3 along with other projects that we feel are important to undertake.

2018 – Presentation of Groups 4 & 5 in the “Education in Love Series”.

2019 – Jesus and I record material in home studio including Q&A sessions on all of the material presented in Groups 4 & 5 along with other projects that we feel are important to undertake.

2020 – Presentation of Groups 6, 7 & 8 in the “Education in Love Series”.

2021 – Jesus and I record material in home studio including Q&A sessions on all of the material presented in Groups 6, 7 & 8 along with other projects that we feel are important to undertake.

Of course, this is the plan at the moment and, given the time frame involved, these arrangements may change.

You will now find that the Eventbrite pages for each of the groups reflect the new exact dates for each group. Jesus will be updating the website with the changes over the coming month.

If you have previously booked into any of the future groups your booking remains. If you find that the new dates don’t suit you then you can easily cancel your booking by signing into Eventbrite using the same email address you used to make your booking. Once you do this you will find a list of current tickets you have booked. Simply click on any of the bookings you don’t wish to keep and you will be given the option of cancelling them.


Sending Us Your Questions

As you watch the groups in the “Education In Love” series, and begin to experiment with the material presented, you may find that you have questions. If you do you can send them to us we will try to answer as many as possible in the specific Q&A sessions we will record.

Here are the guidelines for sending us your questions:

  • Please send your questions to faq@divinetruth.com
  • Tell us the name of the group and the name of the individual presentation that your questions pertains to. e.g. Developing My Loving Self – The Creation Of My Pain.
  • Include your name. e.g. First name & Last name.
  • Then write your question as succinctly as possible.

It is really important that you label your questions and let us know that they relate to the Assistance Group material. Otherwise your question will be filed into the very large general lists of FAQ questions we have on file.


Our Next Few Months

Video Editing & Production for Assistance Groups

Jesus, Lena and Igor will continue to work on editing and production of group two for YouTube and our website for the next month. They hope to have the completed videos, sound files, modified outlines, and the website updates uploaded by the end of July 2016.

Preparations for the Next Assistance Groups

Jesus and I have already started the development of material for “Understanding God’s Loving Laws”. Jesus generally creates the framework and understands the most important content to cover for each group. He works on compiling this and then we get together and work through how it is best presented. I ask and ponder and reflect back what I’m really getting from the material and this usually helps Jesus to make the programme more logical and free flowing.

I absolutely love creating with Jesus. It is fun time for me. I love the challenges all the truth presents in me, I love thinking about how to best share the awesomeness of God’s Creation and I really love watching my brilliant man at work.

Mentoring and Various Side Projects

Jesus will continue meeting with the small mentoring group once a month.

We may welcome some overseas visitors later in the year and so Jesus and others are working on preparing for their arrival.

Continued Focus on our own Progression

Aside from the Assistance Group work, and the various side projects we have on the go, both Jesus and I both want to place our biggest emphasis on our own progression. How much we can share and teach is directly proportional to how much we grow. So our growth in relationship with God really is our ‘core business’.

Unfortunately, for Jesus, other projects have needed his attention lately but getting back to his own personal work is really a priority for him in the latter half of this year, and after he has completed the group outlines for the next groups, he does not expect to produce more material until he presents the “Understanding God’s Loving Laws” material.

For myself, for a long time I lived in the false belief that I could share and be a part of this life while still ignoring some really important issues in my soul. I no longer see that as an option and so I’m valuing the time I have to confront those issues and to make better choices.