Jesus & Mary Update: February 2022

Hello & Thank you

Hello and thank you to all of you who have written to us over the past year to say hello, express your gratitude, or to ask how we are. We are both very well and I’ll share below the things that have our attention and focus at the moment.

We also express our gratitude to those of you who continue to donate to us. Even when we are not publishing new material, we are always recording material, and planning and experimenting with ways to share God’s Truth with the world.

Our desire is that any person can easily access and hear God’s Truth free of charge, in a way that they can understand and relate to. This creates the opportunity for people to experiment with their relationship with God. Once a person has that relationship their faith grows and they can continue to develop with God for the rest of their existence. So, as you will read below, even while we are not publishing new material on the internet, our focus and projects are all still working towards that aim.

Flowers in Wilkesdale

Current Projects & Activities

Personal Progression

Jesus and I continue to be focused on our personal progression towards God and our relationship with each other. Our personal happiness depends on our progression. Also, our ability to present God’s Truth to you depends on our ability to remember God’s Truth and live it ourselves.

We know that our example does a great deal to inspire others to engage their own experiments with God’s Way, and so we are very focused on continuing to develop a more complete connection to our own soul and to God. This is of primary importance to us, and takes precedence above everything else we do.

But let’s proceed discussing the less important areas now.

Website Upgrade

The Divine Truth website has been in need of an upgrade for some years. The website contains many thousands of links to videos, audio, and written material. There is so much material on our website that it is difficult to discover the full extent of what is available, and often much more difficult again to find specific material.

To remedy this, Jesus, along with our programmer, Kate Eckersall, has been working on changes to the website to include a number of new features that will improve any user’s ability to find and utilise the information on the site.

Features include:

  • the ability to search all material and find specific material matching key words, chapters, sessions, date, title, topic or type of material
  • the ability to save searches to your local computer, and recall previous searches from your computer
  • a navigation bar which includes a tool bar and a menu bar
  • allowing all pages and searches to scroll beneath the tool bar and menu bar, so that the tool and menu bars are always available
  • a menu structure that is representative of the site layout
  • the ability to easily track browsing history
  • a side bar allowing quick jumps to various predetermined locations on the site
  • quick links to external sites (such as YouTube, our Divine Truth server, event bookings, this blog, God’s Way website etc)
  • the ability to easily copy hyperlinks to share or save material
  • the ability to trigger the opening of data in new tabs
  • updated colours and photographs
  • new formats for embedded and external photo galleries
  • an autogenerated and up to date ‘What’s New’ feature
  • all Divine Truth and God’s Way websites will be static websites
  • every Divine Truth and God’s Way website will be able to be copied and used offline
  • all Divine Truth and God’s Way data will be able to be downloaded, as individual files, or as a complete package of files
Note: the new toolbar taking shape and slightly different colours

In addition, individual videos will be able to be downloaded or streamed via the website from a Divine Truth server, removing our dependency on YouTube, and removing your annoyance of having to watch videos that keep being interrupted by advertising and marketing.

The God’s Way Ltd website will use different colours but will have identical features, look and feel to the Divine Truth website. Any new website created by either organisation will also have a the same features, look and feel. This should help users to become familiar and comfortable navigating on sites relating to Divine Truth teachings.

New God’s Way Ltd website: under construction

When a person gains a copy of all Divine Truth material, or God’s Way material, either through the Hard Disc Drive copy service or the sync service via the Divine Truth server, the website is also copied. In this case, all of the website links and the new features, such as the search function, are functional offline and can be used to access any of the Divine Truth or God’s Way videos, audio recordings and written material contained on the local disc without needing a connection to the internet.

I’ll make a post on this blog when the new websites are live. We expect them to be completed in about 3 months time.

Internet Connection

As I mentioned in our previous update, Jesus continues to work on our technical set up to allow for livestream presentations.

The aim is not only to stream presentations but also to capture and keep high quality video of the presentation so that it may be edited and used in other material after the fact. The requirement to record high quality video of livestreams is more difficult to resolve, particularly if we wish to have interactions with people via the internet. It is taking some time to sort out these issues, and we may still need to purchase extra technical equipment to make streaming from our location possible. We hope to resolve these difficulties within the next 3 months, technical problems and financial issues permitting.

The limiting factor preventing us from holding livestreams up until now has been a reliable, high speed internet connection with low latency. Over the past couple of years, as in most parts of the world, travel in Queensland has been restricted. So our plans to start live streams from locations which have lower latency internet connections than those in our remote location were prevented.

As I have mentioned in prior updates, our internet connection here in rural Queensland currently relies on a satellite which introduces latency of up to 2 seconds during video calls or conferencing. These delays make livestreams involving interaction with anyone in the world impossible. To combat this problem Jesus initially set up a high gain radio antenna which accesses a mobile phone network around 5kms away from the studio. However various factors, including rapidly growing trees (thanks to our environmental projects) blocking the signal, have made that upgrade unreliable. We have attempted to remove some branches to improve the connection, but ultimately the connection is always going to have service difficulties since our studio is in a radio blackout area, and our installed high gain antennas are not above the tree heights. To get an antenna system installed that is above the tree height (above 50m) would be expensive, and at the moment that is cost prohibitive.

The high gain radio antenna is installed

Just yesterday we received a SpaceX satellite connection which will potentially provide coverage in our area. But there are a number of technical issues relating to the SpaceX equipment which must be resolved. These include; high power usage, tree obstruction and lack of ethernet cable connection (preventing connection to our network).

Once Jesus sorts out the technical and obstruction issues and establishes a connection to our network, we hope that having the SpaceX service will allow us to begin streaming. So I hope I am not being presumptuous when I say, “we look forward to seeing you ‘live’ sometime soon”.

God’s Way Organisation

Jesus and I have been spending a lot of our time working within the God’s Way Ltd organisation. This not for profit company was established by Jesus and I, and Eloisa Lytton-Hitchins and Catherine Spence, as a vehicle for the practical application and experimentation with Divine Truth principles in areas such as human relationships, environmental recovery, education and science.

Over the past year, Jesus has spent a great deal of time educating all God’s Way managers and probationary volunteers how to be humble, desire truth, and to love in real practical settings within the organisation.

Jesus speaks with volunteers

I have recently been taking opportunities to manage volunteer days as well as continuing in my role as editor and creator for information sharing.

Cornelius and Mary on a volunteer management day
Eloisa, Mary & Elias on a volunteer day

There is a lot being accomplished by the God’s Way Ltd organisation at the moment, far too much to share with you in this blog post. Everything we do for God’s Way is exciting, and we hope to be able to share more with you in the future about this.

Lunch break for volunteers on a God’s Way Ltd Environment Day
Volunteers take part in environmental work in Wilkesdale

Function Centre Build

I am however pleased to share with you that via the God’s Way Ltd organisation, we are moving towards our desire to build a God’s Way Function Centre on a local God’s Way Learning Centre property. The Function Centre will include an auditorium, office, visitors centre and various private accommodation for caretakers, managers and visitors.

The Function Centre will be owned and operated by God’s Way Ltd but would serve as a venue for both Divine Truth and God’s Way events. In addition, Jesus and I hope that eventually at least one God’s Way Function Centre would be constructed on each continent, and that Jesus and I would spend the majority of our time traveling between these centres to teach Divine Truth.

Click on the image for larger PDF file

These centres would also offer a place for guests external to those organisations to visit and share loving and beneficial information in harmony with God’s Truth, on subjects such as, environmental recovery, human relationships, teaching and parenting. Every event would be free to attend, open to everyone, and would be recorded and shared for free via the internet.

Having a purpose built venue would:

  • Allow Divine Truth and God’s Way presentations to become regular weekly events
  • Eliminate the recording problems experienced at third party venues. Currently, at every new venue we encounter serious recording problems affecting our production, including radio interference, acoustic problems, lighting difficulties, and more
  • Allow better time management and efficiency, since the venue could remain set up and ready to be used. This saves significant time currently spent to dismantle our studio, pack up the equipment in the studio for travel, travel to the venue, unpack equipment into the venue, set up recording. Then, when the event is finished the entire process must be reversed to get our studio operating again. Not having to do this would save large amounts of Jesus’ time in particular.
  • Create flexibility for scheduling events, and enable much more frequent seminars, groups and presentations. Currently we encounter many time and scheduling limitations involved in the delivery of events, besides the above studio dismantle and venue set up, such as, being at the mercy of venue booking scheduling, time lost moving to and from venues, venues not having the appropriate facilities for our participants or for recording and so forth.
  • Reduce overall costs once the facility is built. At the moment venue hire costs are increasing substantially, this money would be better spent on building and maintaining the God’s Way Ltd facility. In addition, at any current event we also must hire accommodation and allow for travel costs to venues. Since any venue owned by God’s Way will have a place for visiting speakers to stay, these costs all disappear.
  • Enable frequent God’s Way presentations on topics such as environmental recovery, human relationships, teaching and parenting, children and families.
  • Allow for visiting guest speakers to present on topics in harmony with God’s Principles. All presentations would be free and open to the public.
Click on the image for larger PDF file

Jesus has so much more information to share and at times I feel sad and frustrated by the great limitation that logistical requirements create in preventing him from sharing new material every week (something I know he would enjoy and many others could benefit from).

Building God’s Way Function Centres would eliminate many current difficulties and barriers to Jesus sharing Divine Truth publicly (though until there are more video and audio editors than just Jesus and I there will still be restrictions on how quickly recorded presentations can be shared via the internet. I talk more about this below).

The process of building would also offer many opportunities for groups of volunteers to come together and put the principles of God’s Way and Divine Truth into practical action.

Members discuss Function Centre logistics with building materials in the background

Jesus has worked very hard over the past few months to create a number of design options for the centre. Some of these are now available to view here:

Jesus has had a lot of experience, both in the Jehovah’s Witness faith and as a property developer, designing, overseeing and taking part in the construction of auditoriums, housing developments and their additional facilities. Cornelius is a builder with over 35 years experience (not including lego). Together they are now working on finalising various details, including structural engineering, planning and building material requirements for the Function Centre. Once our requirements are finalised, and enough funds are raised to begin the project, plans will be submitted to local government for approval.

The finished facility will be the property of the not for profit, member based, God’s Way Ltd company. Jesus and I and the other members of God’s Way Ltd are donating our personal funds towards the construction of the centre. Of course we don’t currently have enough money to fund the entire build.

Members & Archie survey the site for the new Function Centre

Until now, almost all expenses of God’s Way Ltd have been paid for by Jesus and I, Catherine Spence and Eloisa Lytton Hitchins. These costs include the payment of wages, operational costs involving three large properties; the purchase and maintenance of machinery, including a bulldozer, excavator, tractors, trucks; installation of water collection and management systems; house renovations; a major shed extension; new shed builds etc. While the organisation now receives smaller donations for some programmes these are not enough to cover the total costs associated with individual projects, programmes, or the company running expenses, which include accounting, insurances, machinery maintenance and many other things.

Divine Truth Pty Ltd, a private company which Jesus and I run, pays for all operational expenses associated with Divine Truth including providing a wage for Jesus and I. We are grateful that Divine Truth Pty Ltd receives enough donations to cover these expenses and allows us to donate a limited amount to God’s Way. But at present Divine Truth Pty Ltd and God’s Way Ltd do not receive enough to fund any new development.

Click on the image for larger PDF file

God’s Way Ltd has freehold ownership of the land that the Function Centre will be built on because of the generous support of Catherine Spence and Eloisa Lytton-Hitchins who donated the funds to purchase that land. However significantly more funds than the organisation currently has (which is largely the money that Jesus and I, Catherine and Eloisa have) will be required to start and complete the building project.

If you want to donate to support this building project, you can do so now via the donation pages already provided on the Divine Truth Donate Page (note the new tab to contribute specifically to Building Projects) or God’s Way Ltd website.

When our new websites are live there will be new and simpler donation methods on the God’s Way Ltd website. In the meantime, any excess funds donated to Divine Truth will also be used to get the building project up and running.

Click on the image for larger PDF file

Of course, one off donations, and donations from single benefactors are always welcomed and assist us greatly. But if each person currently listening to Divine Truth could afford to gift $10 per month, $100,000 per month would be available, which is well beyond what we would need to not only pay all those who are full time voluntary workers, but would also be enough for us to easily complete at least the first stage of our Function Centre Power, Auditorium, Kitchen and Visitors build. At the moment, less than 1 in 100 or 1% of people listening to Divine Truth regularly donate to Divine Truth Pty Ltd, and far less regularly donate to God’s Way Ltd.

Venues in other Countries

Jesus has a passionate desire to create God’s Way Learning Centres in each continent of the world. We have been contacted over the years by a number of people living overseas who share the desire to create God’s Way Learning Centres their country.

There are a number of limitations to this happening at the moment.

The biggest problem is that most people interested in such projects are either in denial of their own true soul condition or do not want to bring their lives into harmony with Divine Truth principles, that is, to live God’s Way.

In addition, anything that becomes a God’s Way Ltd Learning Centre must be created, owned, overseen and audited by God’s Way Ltd. This is to ensure that such centres are operated in harmony with the God’s Way Ltd constitution and non profit principles.

Cornelius, Catherine, Eloisa, Mary & Jesus: God’s Way Ltd members 2022

At the moment there are very few people on Earth who truly understand in their hearts, the principles and objectives governing God’s Way Learning Centres, and what is involved in terms of personal soul development, to manage those centres.

To combat these and other limitations, we must first set up a centre in Australia which can act as an example to sincere people overseas. People who are interested in having a God’s Way Learning Centre on their continent can then visit an operational God’s Way Learning Centre in Australia to experience and learn how to run and manage such a facility. There is a great deal of education, emotional and soul progression, and love for God and people required for a person to qualify to run a God’s Way Learning Centre.

For the past five years, the five members of God’s Way Ltd have been developing the first God’s Way Learning Centre on Earth, here in Australia. They are assisted by some twenty probational volunteers. This has required spiritual, emotional, and managerial training and development which Jesus has focused his time and energy on delivering to members and volunteers since the inception of God’s Way Ltd. Without the spiritual and emotional development of individuals who wish to sincerely live in harmony with God’s Truth, and to share God’s Way with the world, no physical facility will ever have a positive impact.

We hope that the construction of a God’s Way Learning Centre here in Australia will further help to accommodate and facilitate the soul based education and growth required in individuals, locally and abroad, who sincerely want to create God’s Way Learning Centres around the world.

Sharing New Material

Jesus and I love to share everything relating to God’s Truth and its practical application. We would love to be sharing this kind of material every week, face to face and via the internet.

We do share material every week with people who are local, particularly with the volunteers working in God’s Way Ltd. We also do a lot of mediumship but most of that is unrecorded or, if recorded, takes a lot of time to edit.

At the moment Jesus and I are the only editors for Divine Truth audio and video recordings. As we are currently involved in so many other projects, we have very little time to edit. At the moment we have a bottle neck of material which we have created but has not yet been edited.

We need video and audio editors who:

  • are humble enough to listen and follow direct instructions
  • approach tasks with an attitude of self responsibility
  • are able to carefully, methodically and thoroughly complete tasks
  • personally and passionately desire to live in harmony with God’s Laws and Principles
  • are willing to be financially supported only by receiving gifts
  • are willing to live locally
  • have good technical experience and knowledge, or can be easily taught, or desire to teach themselves

Video and audio editing must be done locally due to the large sizes of files involved, poor internet services in our local area, the back up requirements for Divine Truth projects, and the necessity for Jesus to check and approve editors work to ensure that it meets with requirements of love, truth, quality, and transparency.

Until we have suitable editors, or we have the funds to pay the high costs of professional organisations to edit our material, we are severely limited in the amount of new material we are can share online.

Our experiments with live streaming may enable us to share more material as long as those services are ethical (no marketing or advertising) and available using our limited internet connections. More structured and organised teaching, such as Assistance Groups, can’t be shared regularly until we have either/and/or a function centre with an auditorium, some assistance with editing material, or more time to focus solely on Divine Truth projects.

Future Travel

While our priority has been local projects over the past couple of years, we would still love to travel to meet people and present more Divine Truth.

Besides giving presentations and meeting people, Jesus and I are responsible for every logistical and technical requirement of traveling and teaching. We have been thinking about ways to reduce this workload so that we can travel more often and more easily.

Our ideal would be to have a technical set up stored and ready to go when we land on each continent. This would eliminate the need to pack up our current studio and travel with large amounts of recording gear which is expensive and easily damaged or lost during travel. We could purchase and store equipment suitable for use in each country (equipment which operates in Australia is often incompatible with power and frequency requirements in other countries).

For each continent, and particularly in Europe and North America, we would like to purchase a van which we could travel in and which would house all of our technical recording equipment. We would like to have recording equipment needed for any type of venue, or even to be able to connect recording equipment to the van, and do recordings in public places and nature based environments. The equipment needed includes 8 cameras, associated cabling, sound microphones, computers, storage, power and other ancillary equipment. Jesus would standardise the equipment so that it is similar in each country. Ideally, we would also have the ability to edit the material, and upload it, while traveling.

With this set up we could visit a continent and travel in the van for a number of months and visit many places to speak. When we leave, the van could be stored somewhere ready to go for when we visit again. With this arrangement, we could easily travel for 6 months of every year.

Until we have such a set up, there are large amounts of work and costs involved in planning and undertaking any interstate or overseas trip for the purpose of teaching Divine Truth. These limitations severely affect our ability to share Divine Truth in face to face environments.

Eco Tent Renovation

In my prior update I mentioned our eco-tents. These were homes that Jesus and I loved living in for over twelve years. We preferred them to our one bedroom house. However over time they weathered and severe storms ripped them apart.

We are in the process of building new cabin-like structures in place of the tents. We plan to test innovative methods and designs which can be used on a larger scale in the God’s Way Function Centre build.

New roofs are now installed on the cabins, but nothing further has been done and the build is currently on hold due to financial constraints and Cornelius being occupied with other projects.

New Roof on one of the cabins (old eco tent)

YouTube Ads

As some of you may have noticed, YouTube has begun placing advertising on our videos. This is something beyond our control. We would never place adverts in Divine Truth material and we don’t gain any revenue from the ads that are appearing. YouTube has made changes to their Terms of Service which enable them to place the ads without consulting the creator.

There are other platforms that we could use to share Divine Truth videos but they all have problems in terms of Application Programming Interface (API), cost and/or advertising.

It has become quite difficult to supply ad free videos and maintain our ability to batch upload and name files. YouTube did allow this until they forced advertising onto our site. We have tried other platforms, such as Vimeo, but Vimeo has API limitations which we ran into, and which they do not wish to fix.

As video sharing sites now all attempt to monetise the provision of all services, we are having to look at other options that enable us to keep our videos free and ad free. We outline some of these methods in the next section.

At this stage, to create our own infrastructure which would enable thousands of people to view videos simultaneously would be quite costly. Unfortunately, we are having to pay more and more to share material for free. Many video sharing companies, due to the incessant desire for more money and greater power, are making ad free, free of cost video sharing, very difficult. Our only longer term viable option is to have a server farm which serves all Divine Truth material, connected to very fast internet connections. At the moment, this is really only possible in Europe or North America, and would require Divine Truth to own a premises. Of course, if that location could also serve as a future God’s Way Learning Centre, that would be the ideal.

Ways to Access Divine Truth Material For Free

At the moment you can download any video for free and ad free from our Divine Truth server via the options listed below. There are limitations on bandwidth which will impact how many people can use these services simultaneously.

The only way to improve these limitations would be to increase the bandwidth, and the number of servers that we have (which would mean increasing our regular business costs in Divine Truth far more than we are currently able to handle).

These are the options you currently have in order to watch any Divine Truth video for free and ad free:

  1. Sync all Divine Truth material from the dedicated Divine Truth server
    Instructions on how to do so are here: Sync Service
  2. Utilize the Hard Disc Drive copy service
    Instructions on how to do so are here: Hard Drive Copy Service
  3. Browse the Divine Truth synchronisation server and download an individual file or video from that site
    You can do that here:

If you do gain a copy of all Divine Truth material via the sync service or the hard drive copy service, there are now new instructions on how to use this offline material here.

Assistance Groups Update

Understanding Sin & Its Causes Videos

Many of you are still awaiting the videos from the 2019, “Understanding Sin and Its Causes” group.

As I’ve previously shared, the audio recording problems at the group now require a great deal of editing to make them a pleasure to listen to. Jesus completes the audio edits and the task requires him to be sedentary, to make repetitive hand actions, and to concentrate intently for extended periods. I am involved in editing the video which I love. However it also involves extended periods of concentration, attention to detail and Jesus and I must work through the final phase together carefully checking various finishing details.

Last year, it was important for both of us to step away for a while, take care of ourselves, and focus on other parts of our desires that were being neglected, including our long term plans. Every day spent editing meant taking time away from all of the other things we want to achieve.

I personally wanted to deeply examine my emotions and desires for my future and the future of both Divine Truth and God’s Way organisations.

There were many local projects that Jesus wanted to give his time and attention to. These included his ongoing management of God’s Way Ltd renovations and new buildings, planning for new physical infrastructure in God’s Way Ltd (such as water collection, terrace construction and plans for the new Function Centre buildings), and his leadership of God’s Way Ltd members, managers and volunteers.

In addition, last year Jesus:

  • reconfigured and rebuilt our local storage servers
  • rebuilt our local network
  • maintained international servers and current sharing services
  • re fixed a lot of cabling required for the new network
  • commenced redesign of the Divine Truth website
This is the mess that Jesus now has to tidy up as a result of all that work

We will return to editing this year but as you may imagine securing or creating a venue which can eliminate the problems we had with audio recording in this group is also a top priority. That way, we will never encounter these difficulties again.

It would be great that Jesus didn’t have to sit and edit material that he has already presented! There are so many other things to occupy his time, that he needs to guide and be involved with.

Future Groups

We would love to continue to present groups in the Education in Love Assistance Group series.

As I may have mentioned previously, there is a new addition to the series. We have added a new group “Confronting Sin and Its Causes”.

The series now looks like this:

  1. Developing My Will to Love
  2. Developing My Loving Self
  3. Understanding God’s Loving Laws
  4. Understanding Sin & Its Causes
  5. Confronting Sin & Its Causes
  6. Removing Sin & Its Causes
  7. Engaging God’s Loving Laws
  8. Receiving God’s Love & Truth
  9. Loving God

“Confronting Sin and Its Causes” will focus on the difference between understanding sin and its causes as a general concept and confronting sin and its causes within oneself. It will be a much more personal and practical group.

The material in ‘Understanding Sin & Its Causes’ is essential knowledge for participants to apply during the ‘Confronting Sin & Its Causes’ group. So we can’t present ‘Confronting Sin & Its Causes’ until we edit and output the ‘Understanding Sin & Its Causes’ group.

Until recently we have been unable to schedule this group due to COVID restrictions in Australia. But the largest limitation we have in holding the next group is our need to first complete the editing for ‘Understanding Sin & Its Causes’.

World Events

Many of you have emailed us requesting that we comment about Coronavirus, vaccines, and the various limitations and mandates associated with the pandemic. Many people sending these emails are bullies, either trying to force Jesus into a response, or trying to force Jesus into accepting their beliefs about the world. Often they are completely driven by fear of being controlled, fear of death, fear of authority, fear of others, fear of losing their “rights”, and fear of their own pain or discomfort.

I laughed when recently someone called Jesus irresponsible for stating to a local group that, keeping in mind the principles of love, truth and humility, people must make up their own minds about what they put into their bodies and what they choose to do in their personal lives. It seems to me that when it suits a person’s desire to avoid emotion, they would like a cult leader to tell everyone what to do. Many people emailing us about the pandemic have demonstrated the epitome of unloving behaviour, while they claim that everyone other than themselves is being unloving about the pandemic.

Our listeners often want us to comment on a specific world event or situation affecting them, as if new rules apply to the new situation occurring. The desire for Jesus to comment on a specific world event or situation affecting them personally, demonstrates that many of our listeners are still being completely selfish, and are very selective when listening to Divine Truth. What we teach relates to every world event, in every situation. In the broadest sense, humanity’s collective lack faith in goodness; lack of humility; lack of desire for truth; lack of feelings of equality, justice and fairness; or lack of desire to love themselves or others in a sincere manner; causes them to believe that they are not equal children of a loving God who are required by loving law to become humble, self-responsible, self actualised individuals. Hence humanity creates all of the pain and suffering on Earth and in the spirit world today.

Flowers in Wilkesdale

I will share a brief letter from Jesus specifically about coronavirus and vaccines on the blog in the next few days. But I must say that Jesus and I don’t find vaccines or coronavirus to be the most pressing or important matter facing the world at the moment, and that Jesus has barely any interest in the subject (and many around us are surprised and frustrated about that). Jesus has already taught you the truth about disease, and the part your denied emotions play in that. He has already taught you about why companies and governments are unloving, and the part your fears of pain and death, and your desire for comfort and lies, play in that.

COVID is one of many problems, and is not the largest problem by far. Compared to how many children die from abortion, miscarriage, mistreatment and malnourishment every year (around 200 million), COVID pales into insignificance. The truth is that the mistreatment of children – emotionally, physically, spiritually and sexually – is worldwide pandemic which has been raging for centuries, and which very few people seem to really sincerely care about. Besides the unloving situation regarding children, many more problems cause much more degradation of the human soul than COVID. COVID is only an effect, rather than a cause, of problems in the soul.

It strikes me that people in developed countries often don’t see a problem until their own fear or level of comfort is challenged in some way. War has torn apart Syria for over a decade now and, in that same time period, malaria and HIV Aids have taken countless lives in Africa. These are just a couple of long term examples in which pain, suffering and death are extreme realities for people on Earth every day. Yet, no one has asked us about these things. In all the time I have known Jesus I have only ever heard one person ask about plight and causes of suffering for people in less comfortable societies than themselves. This is not to diminish the pain and suffering involved in the war in Ukraine or the coronavirus. I merely wish to highlight that most people are driven by selfishness and self involvement that causes them to ignore major issues of love until the impact of these issues affects their daily lives or triggers their personal fears.

Coronavirus and vaccine mandates offer an opportunity to ‘westerners’ to highlight their personal selfishness and personal sin impacting the world around them. However most responses to COVID in the west have been to act in more fear which only compounds the problems. The world must learn that problems can only be solved by removing their causes, rather than by trying to inoculate against the effects. Vaccine opposition is often driven by as much fear and anger as taking a vaccine is.

One of the biggest problems humans face is their fear of discomfort, pain, disease and death, and their lack of understanding about the causes of death and the causes of disease.

And humans driven by the desire to avoid fear take actions to control others and to avoid truth; they don’t stand up to violent bullies or they become bullies themselves.

Because the majority of humans are now so far from a desire for love, for truth or for humility, they expect others to make their fear dissolve, and more and more events resulting in pain, suffering and destruction will continue to occur on Earth. In the future, millions, and perhaps even billions, of people will die from the environmental destruction on our planet, and from basic problems associated with water and food supply. However, for many people in the west, these issues are of minor importance because these issues do not affect them yet.

Every current world situation as an opportunity to consider:

  • How do my unloving desires contribute to this situation?
  • What unloving desires is this situation exposing in me?
  • Am I humble about these unloving desires?
  • Do I want to experience the emotions that drive my unloving desires?
  • What does love require me to do in this situation?
  • What are God’s Laws attempting to teach me in this situation?
  • What changes WITHIN ME would improve the situation?
Wattles bloom and give home to a spider in the Terrace Project, Function Learning Centre

Until we are willing to see our own unloving desires, and release the addictions and emotions that drive those desires, we are unable to accurately assess any situation as God would. This applies in day to day interpersonal interactions, and to global events and societal mandates. If one is serious about responding in love and becoming loving, it is essential to humbly respond to world events, remove our addictions, and heal our personal emotions that drive our unloving desires.

There is so much more to say about these matters and Jesus speaks eloquently about them. However, as I shared above, our limitation at the moment is the means to edit and share such information.

In Closing

To close, let us say this:

Beautiful things can be accomplished by being humble, truthful, and loving, and developing loving co-operation with each other. Beautiful things cannot be accomplished by expecting one person or a government to solve our problems for us.

Changes in our world will only occur when each of us realise how important and practical love is. Once we see that love is practical, we will see the importance of making it our first priority.

Placing a priority on love is essential. If we loved one another, if we lived love, the effect of arms manufacture, the effect of starvation, the effect of environmental damage, the effect of lies and manipulation of truth, the effect of COVID, the effect of companies profiting from human pain and addiction, the effect of untrustworthy government, the effect of religious, social and political oppression, the effect of child abuse, the effect of the cult of families, along with all of the effects of pain and suffering, would completely disappear – because the causes of those things would disappear.

Without each of us changing our personal condition in love, nothing in the world has the potential of changing.

Unless I see the direct relationship between what is happening in the world, and my unloving soul condition, and my lack of desire to be responsible and change that condition, nothing can or will change for the better in my world. That is and will continue to be the focus of what Jesus and I teach. Unless I personally change, and unless I have more faith, and I become more loving, more honest, more truthful and more humble, there is no option but for bad things to continue to happen in my world. My desire to break God’s Loving Laws contributes to my own pain and suffering and the pain and suffering of the world I live in. I create pain and suffering through my attitudes, my unloving desires, my addictions, my avoidance of emotions, and the decisions I make moment by moment, day by day, to remain unloving. I am participating in the creation of the unloving world I am living in.

More future turmoil is inevitable because most people refuse to love and refuse to see the practicality of love. Most people listening to Divine Truth are still in complete denial of their own unloving desires, addictions and actions.

Love, Truth and Humility are all practical and actionable concepts. When we refuse to see this in our personal lives we automatically become a part of the destruction of the world and the people in it.

Jesus and I are passionate about focusing you, the individual, on your personal choices in relation to love, truth and humility. Ask yourself:

Am I going to decide to have faith in God and God’s Way?
Am I going to decide to be more humble?
Am I going to decide to be more truthful?
Am I going to decide to be more loving?

While I expect somebody else to do these things first, I am basically saying that I am not going to participate in positive change on the Earth.

The only way for serious problems, such as the mistreatment of children, war, disease, and environmental damage, to change, is for the attitudes within myself to change so that I am no longer driven by my fear and my addictions, but focused on being loving under all circumstances. Unless I see this, I am a participant in the continued degradation of my planet and the people on it.

Beautiful things are possible but only if we come together, and act on the practicality of love, truth and humility.

With our love,
Mary & Jesus